March 13, 2008
So I was supposed to go in for a loop wire on the top set today, I don't know what it is until I saw it, they are very very shiny and very very strong looking, but, when the tech took out my old wire, my front 2 brackets just popped right off (I felt something last week when my water bottle hit my teeth but shrugged it off). So, since the ortho had to reattach the brackets, he wants to wait a couple of weeks before he puts the new wire on, so I'm going back after I get back from England. He kept trying to put red and blue chains on to celebrate their country's colors, and I won that fight, ha.
He said I'm doing really well though, I just want these off! On the plus side, I only have 8 payments left until they are paid off, yay!!
He said I'm doing really well though, I just want these off! On the plus side, I only have 8 payments left until they are paid off, yay!!